Given the trial specific design parameters, performs a number of simulations of the trial and saves the result in an Excel file

  coresnum = 1,
  save = FALSE,
  path = NULL,
  filename = NULL,
  ret_list = FALSE,
  ret_trials = FALSE,
  plot_ocs = FALSE,
  export = NULL,



Number of program simulations that should be performed


How many cores should be used for parallel computing


Indicator whether simulation results should be saved in an Excel file


Path to which simulation results will be saved; if NULL, then save to current path


Filename of saved Excel file with results; if NULL, then name will contain design parameters


Indicator whether function should return list of results


Indicator whether individual trial results should be saved as well


Should OCs stability plots be drawn?


Should any other variables be exported to the parallel tasks?


All other design parameters for chosen program


List containing: Responses and patients on experimental and control arm, total treatment successes and failures and final p-value


random <- TRUE

rr_comb1 <- 0.25
prob_comb1_rr <- 1
rr_comb2 <- 0.20
prob_comb2_rr <- 1
rr_plac1 <- 0.10
prob_plac1_rr <- 1
rr_plac2 <- 0.10
prob_plac2_rr <- 1

correlation <- 0.8

cohorts_start <- 2
cohorts_max <- 5
safety_prob <- 0
sharing_type <- "concurrent"
sr_drugs_pos <- 5
sr_first_pos <- FALSE
n_fin <- 100
stage_data <- TRUE
cohort_random <- 0.01
cohort_offset <- 0
cohorts_sim <- Inf
random_type <- "absolute"
missing_prob <- 0.2
cohort_fixed <- 5
hist_lag <- 48
analysis_times <- c(0.5, 0.75, 1)
accrual_type <- "fixed"
accrual_param <- 9
time_trend <- 0.001
composite <- "or"

# Comparison IA1
Bayes_Sup11 <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
Bayes_Sup11[1,] <- c(0.00, 0.95)
Bayes_Sup11[2,] <- c(0.10, 0.80)
# Comparison IA2
Bayes_Sup12 <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
Bayes_Sup12[1,] <- c(0.00, 0.95)
Bayes_Sup12[2,] <- c(0.10, 0.80)
# Comparison IA3
Bayes_Sup13 <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
Bayes_Sup13[1,] <- c(0.00, 0.95)
Bayes_Sup13[2,] <- c(0.10, 0.80)

Bayes_Sup1 <- Bayes_Sup2 <- list(list(Bayes_Sup11), list(Bayes_Sup12), list(Bayes_Sup13))

ocs <- trial_ocs(
n_fin = n_fin, random_type = random_type, composite = composite,
rr_comb1 = rr_comb1, rr_comb2 = rr_comb2, rr_plac1 = rr_plac1, rr_plac2 = rr_plac2,
random = random, prob_comb1_rr = prob_comb1_rr, prob_comb2_rr = prob_comb2_rr,
prob_plac1_rr = prob_plac1_rr, prob_plac2_rr = prob_plac2_rr,
stage_data = stage_data, cohort_random = cohort_random, cohorts_max = cohorts_max,
sr_drugs_pos = sr_drugs_pos, sharing_type = sharing_type, correlation = correlation,
safety_prob = safety_prob, Bayes_Sup1 = Bayes_Sup1, Bayes_Sup2 = Bayes_Sup2,
cohort_offset = cohort_offset, sr_first_pos = sr_first_pos,
missing_prob = missing_prob, cohort_fixed = cohort_fixed, accrual_type = accrual_type,
accrual_param = accrual_param, hist_lag = hist_lag, analysis_times = analysis_times,
time_trend = time_trend, cohorts_start = cohorts_start, cohorts_sim = cohorts_sim,
iter = 2, coresnum = 1, save = FALSE, ret_list = TRUE, plot_ocs = TRUE